Sunday, December 4, 2011

Analysis of Lecture Essay

     After listening to Rob's mind-boggling lecture, my mind was all jumbled up. Hearing Rob's theories about the beginning and the future of the media was very interesting, and about a topic I wasn't very familiar with. There was one subject that I took extra interest in though, the idea of creating machines that are given human emotions. Why would someone want to create something that is supposed to have very similar emotions to humans? There must be a lot of risks that go along with creating such a machine; such as, having the machines believe they are alive and beg for their own life and the risk of having machines take over the world and outsmart us.
     The idea of humans creating machines that are nearly as smart as we are, and having emotions that are similar to us is very frightening. It doesn’t make sense why we, as humans, are trying to create these machines and make them comparable to us. It seems like it would make the most sense to leave machines as they were, with hardly any intelligence. Giving machines any intelligence seems like it would only be negative for the human race. Think about the idea of having machines and robots take over the human race because they become more intelligent than humans, and because the humans felt bad if they had to turn them off, as they were begging for their lives. This is a scary thought, and it doesn’t make sense why anyone would want to enhance the performance of these machines by this much. It seems unreasonable to give machines so much power.

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